
The number-one priority for insurance companies today is profitable growth and one of the most effective ways to enable this growth is through the use of innovative, collaborative Digital Ledger technology that works with both structured and unstructured data making it actionable for the extended insurance value chain

It's Time to Reimagine Insurance Operations

Today, the volume of documents and data shared within the insurance industry is immense. Between policy contracts, premium payments, claims processing and payments, renewals, and other activities, millions of transactions occur on a daily basis.

In each of these exchanges, companies are re-inputting data and struggling to understand what information they’ve been given by their counterparties. Then, they still must reconcile before policies are bound or renewed and settlements are complete. Compounding this is the inherent complexity of insurance, which involves consumers, brokers, insurers and reinsurers, intermediaries, as well as insurance’s main product — risk.​​

Each step in this collaborative process represents a potential point of failure in the overall system, where information can be lost, policies misinterpreted, and settlement times lengthened​

Innovate Across All Insurance Functions

​Boardwalk can transform all your insurance operations into a digital, cost-efficient, agile operating model  to drive sustainable growth. Using our Digital Ledger and across structured and instructed data, insurers can increase back office processing productivity by 15-20%, discover data insights too difficult to uncover using conventional technology to make sure premiums and costs are returning the operating profits needed to power innovation and sustainable growth.​

Business Benefits

A Single Version of the Truth for All Data
A single centrally managed, secure and auditable version of the truth for all your structured and unstructured data provides an improved basis for non-repudiation, governance, fraud prevention, financial applications, and reporting
Digitally Transform Legacy Applications
Provide a powerful UDA/EUC and model management capability for digitally transforming legacy application environments
Accurate and Timely Enterprise Information
With 85% of enterprise data unstructured, conventional enterprise information environments simply cannot keep up with changes to your business. With Boardwalk, complex and disparate data environments are easily bridged, curated, correlated, and made actionable between trading partners

Representative Boardwalk Application Areas

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