Boardwalk-Driven Production Planning
With Boardwalk, business users can develop, verify, deploy, control and manage the master inventory production model designs utilized across various manufacturing locations while users can continue to either work within the familiar Excel environment or a browser, but with much better data controls, data integrity, and process visibility
Scale Existing Process
Improve the speed, accuracy, and simplicity of information sharing with manufacturing locations. Boardwalk becomes a single version-of-truth for various shared information
Plan-to-Production Sync
Existing manually managed data can now be reliably integrated with your existing supply and demand planning systems enabling an enterprise quality planning process out to the furthest planning leaf
Schedule-Plan Flexibility
Removing multiple entries of same information at various nodes of the supply chain and tying it back to the master production schedule on a timelier basis, means more granular plan adjustments can be accommodated

Traditional relational database driven production planning environments do not work at the level needed to fine-tune your plans to meet everyone’s production capabilities. Boardwalk lets you do this quickly and easily