Effective inventory planning is key to profitability as inventory velocity turns assets into profits. The faster inventory turns, the greater the profitability. Customers demand that their orders be shipped complete, accurate and on-time. That means having the right inventory at the right place at the right time. But this is easier than it sounds
Enhanced Inventory Decision-making
Better collaboration across all supply chain partners enables more effective inventory planning decisions. Reduce inventories at multiple points while maintaining service levels
Drive Global Inventory Alignment
Get on-demand into critical supply chain performance metrics across all supply chain value partners including on-hand and forecasted inventory, days of supply, and other KPIs
Inventory Scenario Planning
Scenario plan the impact and cost trade offs of lead-time reductions, safety stock changes, and other changes on service or stock levels.
Lack of Visibility
In a survey of Global Chief Supply Chain Executives it was reported that 79% of the respondents reported the lack of visibility significantly impacts their supply chains
Lack Collaboration
Lack of collaboration results in increased supply chain risks & surprises adversely impacting inventory planning
Lack of Ability to Respond Quickly
The inability to respond quickly enough to changes in the supply chain leads to high inventory as well as missed sales opportunities