
Re-imagine the way you are positioned in the world of retail, from e-commerce to brick and mortar experiences

A Technology and Business Problem Mismatch

Digital Ledger technology is poised to fundamentally alter the retail industry. A low code application platform can convert analog and labor-intensive tasks into digitally-automated processes where conventional transactional based technology has come up short. By leveraging both structured and unstructured data throughout retail organizations, retailers and their suppliers can gain greater visibility, trust, alignment, transparency, and actionability across all their enterprise information​

Using Boardwalk Digital Ledger to Drive Your Business

Boardwalk's collaborative Digital Ledger capabilities enables productivity and visibility increases since cutting & pasting, emailing, and shared drives are eliminated — there’s a single, trusted, and secure version of the truth for the joint business planning processes. And, using access control, all users and trading partners only see their data within the digital ledger so the process is securely managed across all participants.​

Representative Boardwalk Application Areas

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